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Monday, December 5, 2011

link pile of mind-bogellingly awesomeness

I had a nice long shpeal explaining my lack of posts lately, but my POS work computer (yes, I'm overwhelmed by work at the moment, so taking a break to oggle some pics) lost my rant.  So here is a far less eloquent blob of a blog that includes two links to some of the most amazing pictures I've ever seen.  I will not deny that the first link includes a few pictures that made me cry, and one that made me yelp/wail/something pathetic.  When you get to the baby, you will understand.  But enough of my badly spelled, gramatically incorrect crap.  Click away at these beauties...

One of my favorites-  A group of Christians protecting Muslims at prayer during a protest in Egypt.  It's nice to have some visual proof that not all humans suck.  Mother Nature as a badie is one thing, but people need to stop trying to compete with who can be more terrible.

Thses aren't quite as sad, but equally amazing.

This is one of my faves from this group...

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