I decided to try and pick who I thought my three favorite photographers were, and two popped in to my head right away, and for the third I totally copped out. Truth be told, I wish that I had some really super obscure photographers to list that represented some intelligent and deep understanding of the art… but unfortunately, what I know is what most people know. The big names. I’ve seen BEAUTIFUL pictures, by people that I’ve never heard of, and unfortunately the names drifted out of my memory with only the awareness of seeing something incredible sticking with me. But I guess there’s a reason the super big names are super big. Because their stuff is SUPERFANTASTIC.
Photographer #1: My total copout... because I have chosen basically EVERY photographer from National Geographic. When I was a little dude, I was convinced that I was going to work for NG one day... The idea is still pretty awesome- getting to travel all over and get totally involved in really unique cultures. I don't know if I could pick one photographer in the magazine that I would single out as my favorite. It all just makes me uber uber jealous. |
Photographer #2: Mario Testino. A fashion photographer isn't exactly what I'd really like to ever be, but I saw a show of his stuff in Edinburgh and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It reminded me how people themselves are impressive works of art, and fashion photos aren't always cliche and terrible... Some of them were pretty cool. |
Photographer #3: Ansel Adams. I know, I know... I'm really not reaching too far here, but really- his stuff is amazing! Another photographer whose stuff I had to see full size at a show to fully appreciate. I have a favorite shot, but I couldn't find it in my 5 minutes of google image searching I put towards this post... But they're all pretty great. |
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