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Thursday, January 13, 2011


What?!?  Why did nobody ever inform me of this atrocity before?  There's people with more talent than ME?!  Oh, crap.  Upon hearing this (and being sent this amazing link) I have discovered that in fact, there are tons and tons of people out there with amazing stuff that I would be STOKED to ever be able to copy in any way. 

Okay, so maybe I've been aware of this for awhile, in fact- anything I've ever taken before that at all resembled a good picture was in some way influenced by another photographer's image running around in my brain.  What I love about the picture above, is that it doesn't involve a lot of screwing around on photoshop, but still manages to look like a mirror image of some kind... Like if MC Escher was a photag guy.  I want to be able to snag a pic like this at some point.

And I hope to continue to stalk, steal, and/or copy other (more talented) artist's work...  and blog about it, so you friendly peeps can creep right along with me.

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