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Saturday, December 24, 2011

That's about right.

I'm definitely guilty of some pretty terrible pictures, but this was still a funny post to run across.  Fancy cameras don't make the photographer...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

well said.

An open letter to God,

This morning you decided that my grandma was needed more in heaven then here with us, you seem like a smart guy so we will trust in your decision. However, you should be aware of a couple things before my grandma gets to you.

1) You best have heaven in tip-top shape. My grandma likes things to be neat and tidy and will get upset with you if you leave stuff sitting around and/or forget to turn off lights when you leave a room.

2) You had better have a nice selection of wine and a bunch of steaks in the freezer. Maybe some fresh veggies as well. She really likes good food, especially steaks and potatoes and pie.

3) If there is baseball up there, she is a huge cubs fan, so, make the heaven version of the cubs be real good please.

4) She will need either a library card or access to a selection of books, so she can read a book, have a glass of wine and sit by the window looking out at the lake.

5) Speaking of lakes, set her up in a nice cabin in the woods by a nice quiet lake. Have some loons and ducks hanging out and in the winter months you can have some deer hang out as well. She also likes to have bird feeders around as well.

Long story short, my grandma is awesome so you better be prepared when she gets there, because she deserves the best. If you don't hook her up, we are going to here about it and get irritated and then when we get there we are going to have some words.

Anyway, hope all is well, take care of my grandma

Bugsy Hansen

I would like to add a few expectations for our Gram:
  • Plenty of butter pecan ice cream
  • Jane Austen...  Not only books but movies based on the books.  Every version of 'em.
  • Lots of puppies in need of snuggles.  She's pretty good at that.
  • Black Forrest gummy bears.  by the truck full.
  • Self-fluffing couch pillows.
  • Someone to go to movies with.  Preferably after having some Mexican food and margaritas.  
  • And also- she does NOT allow for sick days.  Be on your game, my man.

Monday, December 5, 2011

link pile of mind-bogellingly awesomeness

I had a nice long shpeal explaining my lack of posts lately, but my POS work computer (yes, I'm overwhelmed by work at the moment, so taking a break to oggle some pics) lost my rant.  So here is a far less eloquent blob of a blog that includes two links to some of the most amazing pictures I've ever seen.  I will not deny that the first link includes a few pictures that made me cry, and one that made me yelp/wail/something pathetic.  When you get to the baby, you will understand.  But enough of my badly spelled, gramatically incorrect crap.  Click away at these beauties...

One of my favorites-  A group of Christians protecting Muslims at prayer during a protest in Egypt.  It's nice to have some visual proof that not all humans suck.  Mother Nature as a badie is one thing, but people need to stop trying to compete with who can be more terrible.

Thses aren't quite as sad, but equally amazing.

This is one of my faves from this group...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Have fun or be a grownup? Ack. Too easy.

"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity." 
       -- Christopher Morley

I will count my one silly thing for the day as pouring out the contents of a HUGE box of packing peanuts on my floor, and turning my apartment into a winter wonderland with my friend Kipa.   This is REALLY going to suck to clean up.  Worth it.


 Oh my gosh, what is this!  AHHH!  Funz!
 Will this taste any good?

 You're not in on the joke.
And the wheely dolly is now involved.  My apartment rocks right now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let's Park.

Boy, that title seems way wrong with the first picture being of my dog.  Anyhoo- (yeah, I used the word 'anyhoo'), I cruised around the park the other day with my 25lbs of crazy running around barking at people, wrapping his leash around my legs, and generally being a punkass.  It was super pretty though...  would like to go again, maybe a bit earlier to catch the light...  and possibly without the furry lunatic.

the moon :)  looks more like a lamp post through some dead trees...   but you can pretend it's really pretty.

The smell of leaves is just awesome.

Does this kind of make Kipa look drunk?

I get bored trying to hold still without a tripod...  most pictures just become this kind of shenanigans.

Friday, September 30, 2011

the foot-beaten path

 "Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'" 
- Peter Maher

I still have a hard time considering myself a runner...  But I think every time I finish up a route I planned to do, the sense of accomplishment helps me go back out again, despite crappy times or cramping legs.  I've started taking cell pics of the random pretty things I run across on my longer days, which doesn't help too much with my times, but helps me to remember the beauty of the trail.  

"Run lard ass, run!"
Little Pigs Eye Lake.  what a random name.

I love this whole park.  Found it by accident, but that's usually how it works for me.


The lines...  I like to run patterns through the shadows.   Sometimes helps, sometimes makes it worse.
Another route that I found by accident...  Ran this during the summer in the crazy heat wave, and it took a lot of control to not go flying off those people's docks to cool off.

Along the river.  More than anything, I just wanted to take a break.

And my fave part:  the feast following a super long run :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Thoughts Part Two: The Reckoning

Only thing better than wild daisies:
crazy daisies at the grocery store.  RAD!

"It is the smaller moments that create the most exquisite beauty, tiny jewels that adorn our lives every day."

A continuation of a previous post on the small things that make me unexpectedly happy.  I like to keep a healthy diet of small servings of bliss as often as possible...  or maybe I just get a kick out of really silly things.  There are several more, so it's always possible that I will keep this going in the future.  

Hope this gives you a happy boost too :)  Any other ideas?

 Baking and everything that goes along with it...  Cleaning off the utensils and bowls, the events that baked goods often accompany, and cake.  cake is just awesome.

 Teams!  I can't describe my love of being a part of a team.  Especially ones with awesome traditions.

 THE VIEW FROM AN AIRPLANE WINDOW.  I can't think of anything better.  Seriously...  My nomadic soul is happiest when I'm on the way somewhere fantastic, or on my way home following a fantastic trip.  :)

 Warm cozy nights at home with the dogs and the fam.

 Friends willing to theme a random night out.  AGL FOREVER!

 Dancing with a Masaai.  Okay, maybe this isn't a common moment, and it's not one of my pics (because that's me :) ) but this memory just makes me happy.  Bee Tee Dubya, we were dancing to Madonna.

 Fun colored foam at the car wash.  I may have posted this somewhere already, but really, it's rad.

 Flowers stolen from a neighbors yard by a drunk friend :)

 Those little party blower thingies.  Don't know what there called, but man they're sweeeeet.

 Scented candles. I'm a girl, I know.

 Seasonal treats!  Caramel apples- YES.

Signs of seasons changing.  I don't really want winter to come, but it's better to roll with the punches and enjoy the beauty of living in a four season state.  BRING ON THE PUMPKIN PIE!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

have camera. will mud.

We started off so clean and dry!
Strapped a cheap waterproof camera to my arm and mudded it up with members of the AGL...  I haven't taken pictures with film in awhile, and realized that it's pretty annoying to actually have keep track of how many pictures I'd taken, rather than just shooting at will.  Also, maybe I could've spent a bit more time focusing on the 10 mile obstacle course, and less on pictures....  but that's not really how I roll.

Can't wait to do another race like this - 

those.  damn.  walls.

ha.  take that Warrior Dash.