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Thursday, January 19, 2012

[to do] PART I

And so, it begins.  Didn't take long, yeah?  Truth be told, I should really really really be running right now, however there is someone else in the fitness room in my building.  It's not even close to being big enough for one person, let alone the awkwardness of two strangers squeezing past each other in sweaty creepiness to get to another machine.  Plus, I'm lazy and it was a great excuse.  So to begin, I found DA DA DA DAAAA!  the list.

Some need a bit of editing- like bungee jumping in Australia.  I added that after seeing a special about the first commercial bungee site in Queenstown, and I was confused.  Because that's in NZ.  Otherwise, I've got quite a bit of work to do!  I begin with a few of the items already completed.

Anyone have any cool items on their bucket list already crossed off??

 It would seem that in February you're not able to get the actual pieces, so we played what we dubbed "Girls Chess" with what we found in our purses.  BOOM.  It counts.

Kili!  Yah.  I was probably no fun to be around on summit day- throwing my mittens around and nearly losing my breakfast multiple times but we all made it :)  Cruising around above the clouds.

Hawooooooo!  Jumping the Nevis- the 2nd highest bungee in the world.  Or third.  Can't remember.  But I do remember that it was a 440 ft drop and it was AWESOME.

So there's still quite a bit on the list to work on...  and while we're on the subject- does anyone know someone with a bunch of huskies and a sled to lend me?  Or a helicopter?  Let's make this a team operation.  I will totally help you with your list items if they involve drinking a lot in St. Paul, accidentally lighting things on fire, or sitting around on a couch watching movies.

1 comment:

  1. You wanna go dog sledding? I've actually got a way you can do that...No seriously I do. - Steph
